These Terms of Use governing access to and use of contents and services included in or accessible through this Web Site developed by Agencia Audiovisual Freak, SL and beyond: FREAK. The Company is of Spanish nationality and its registered office is established in Málaga
(Málaga), Carril De La Cordobesa, 29, formed by public deed, carried out by the Notary D. José Javier Soto Ruiz on 28/04/2003, with Entry Number 1/2003/803, 0 of Protocol and registered in the Mercantile Registry in Volume 628, Folio 38, Sheet No. CC-7432
By simply using the Website you acquire the status of the users. The use of the Website and any of the services constitutes your user acceptance of each and every one of these general conditions and to the special conditions, if any, governing the use of the Website or services linked to it.
FREAK reserves the right to unilaterally modify the presentation and configuration of the Web Site and the services provided and the conditions for use, but this results in any right to compensation for the user.

User Obligations.
The user agrees, in general, to use the Web Site and the services linked to it diligently, in accordance with the law, morals, order public and the provisions of these terms and conditions and in particular that may be applicable, must also refrain from using them in any way I can impede the normal operation and enjoyment of users of the Website and the services linked to it, or that may harm or damage to property and FREAK rights, their suppliers, users or, more generally, any third party.

More particularly, but without this list to limit the overall scope of the obligation imposed in the preceding paragraph, the user agrees to the use of the Site Web and related services, to:

(A) not introduce, store or transmit through the Site or through any of the services linked to it, any software, data, viruses, code, or any other instrument or electronic device that is capable of causing damage to the web site in any of the services linked to it or any equipment, systems or networks FREAK, of any user, its suppliers or generally of any third party, or otherwise be able to cause any kind of change or prevent normal functioning.

(B) Do not use false identities or impersonate others in the use of the Website or any of its related services, including use of passwords or access codes to third parties or otherwise.

(C) Do not hide or distort in any manner the origin of emails, no intercept, delete or modify emails from other users or send bulk mail.

(D) Not to destroy, alter, disable or damage the data, information, software or electronic documents FREAK, its suppliers or third parties. 

(E) Do not use the contents and in particular the information obtained through the Website to send advertising messages for sale or any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.

Intellectual property.
You acknowledge that all elements of the Web Site and each of the services provided through it, the information and materials contained herein, the structure, selection, management and presentation of content and computer programs used in connection with it are protected by copyright intellectual FREAK’s own or third parties. Unless authorized by FREAK or, where appropriate, by third party owners of rights concerned, or unless it is legally permitted, you may not reproduce, change, modify, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, rent, loan, make available or allow access to the public through any means of communication to any of the elements referred to above. The Users must use the materials, elements and information that you access through the use of the Website and each of the relevant services only for their own needs, agreeing not to make any direct or indirect commercial exploitation or the services or materials, elements and information obtained through them. The user must not remove the signs identifying the rights (intellectual property, industrial or otherwise) of FREAK or third parties appearing on the Website and in each of the services offered through it. Also, the user must refrain to evade or manipulate any technical mechanisms for FREAK or third parties, whether on the Website in any of the services or in any materials, components or information obtained through it, to protect their rights.

You agree that FREAK can guide commercial communications relating to products or services themselves or others, the sectors of services sectors fit your profile, including electronically, the user may request at any time the end of sending of such communications. To do this, the user can FREAK contact via email, confirming conclusively the identity or unsubscribe to the service bulletins or communications completing the withdrawal form that you will always have access to the web and through a link on all communications. 

Contract termination.
Without prejudice to any damages that may arise, FREAK may, immediately and without notice, to resolve and terminate their relationship with the user, disrupting their access to the Web Site or its associated services, if it detects use of the same or any of its services at the same contrary to the general or specific conditions that apply. The user liable for damages of any nature or any FREAK its subsidiaries may suffer, directly or indirectly as a result of any breach of obligations under general or individuals in connection with the use of the Website or any services linked to it. Users also keep FREAK and its affiliates free from any penalty, claim or liability towards third parties, including public bodies, FREAK, its employees or agents as a result of the violation of any rights of third parties by the user by using the Web Site or related services same in a manner contrary to the provisions of general or specific conditions that may apply. 

Applicable law and jurisdiction.
These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. FREAK and user, expressly waiving another jurisdiction, subject to the Courts and Tribunals of the user for any controversy that might arise from the use of the website or services linked to it. In the event that the user’s domiciled outside Spain, and the user FREAK subject, renouncing any other jurisdiction, the courts of the city of Madrid (Spain).